Friday, August 12, 2011

CPP Disability - child rearing provision...will that affect custody in divorce?

What does your attorney say about it? I would consult an attorney just to err on the side of caution...

Which name do you like for our baby girl?

I like Shrina/Shrena and Aneesa. I think they seem the most normal for an American name while still being very Indian.

Mucous membranes, part of the first line of defense (barrier) function by:?

D. mucus washes bacteria ext into stomach where it is eaten by acids, cilia catch small particles, which you cough or sneeze back out, enzymes in saliva such as amylase break down "baddies". hence, all of the above.

Feelings after casual sex?

I think you're getting older and feeling more and more like maybe the life you've become comfortable with isn't what you want from life. It's probably subconsciously that you're feeling this may feel more and more negative until finally you just stop doing those things and settle down or something.

Do you believe in tolerance?

I totally agree with you. Im Christian and I can't stand people bashing agnostics or atheists or anyone else. I get bashed as a Christian for being pro choice and for gay rights. Apparently being open minded makes me a "***** loving murderer" according to someone. Its ridiculous to me too. Get used to it - people are gay and different than you. If you dont agree with it fine, no ones telling you you have to go to sane sex marriage rallies and stuff. The world would be much more peaceful if everyone had more tolerance and got used to the fact that its the 21st century and people dont have to believe the same thing.

Can someone read these stanzas from a poem and explain it to me please? 10 points?

Read it a couple of times. I believe that the author wants you to make it mean what you want it to mean. Deep huh? :)

Why does my hair look so amazing after swimming in a pool?

I have a curly perm and really oily hair which is super dry and damaged at the ends. I have to use copious amounts of leave-in conditioner to keep the frizz at bay and lock my curls together and shampoo my scalp every single day to get rid of the oily look on my scalp. Whenever I go to the pool, though, my hair dries perfect and I don't shower after, add product or scrunch or do anything. (If I were to do nothing after a normal shower my curls would be limp, hair dry and frizzy) The curls are softer than they've ever been, lustrous, the ringlets are tighter and perfect, there's no oil at all and no frizz. I don't know if it's chlorine or salt or whatever, but I'd love to know how to repeat the effect without a pool.